Thursday, December 13, 2007

Limbeck: the interview, part 2

My favorite kind of interviews are the kind that don’t feel like interviews at all. That’s basically how it went with Limbeck. I had a couple questions in mind to get started, but after a while we just started talking. This part of the “interview” we mainly talk about basements and the lack of them in California. It might not be extremely informational, but it’s definitely entertaining.

Y!M! – I know on your albums you make a lot of geographical references. You’re from California and make a lot of mention of it in your music. What do you think you would sound like if you were from Minnesota?
Patrick – (singing) I’ve been kinda drunk, cuz it’s so cold….But I think if we lived in MN, we’d sound the same.
Robb – I think we’d be a little more punk.
Justin – A lot of people don’t know where we’re from and they’ll ask us, “So, where in the Midwest are you from?” They have no idea we’re from California.
Y!M! – You could sing about how slow the traffic is on I-94
Patrick – (singing again) I’m drinking a can….
Jon – That’s awesome to hear you (robb) say “I think we’d be a little more punk”. He’s all serious about it.
Y!M! – You’d probably practice in basements a lot more.
Jon – Yeah, there are literally no basements in California.
Y!M! – Seriously?
Justin – Robb had a basement.
Robb – Ah yeah kinda. We had this plan “Let’s dig this hole in the ground!” It was like a dirt floor basement. One of the only basements I’ve ever seen in California at a house that I lived at.
Patrick – It was an old school style house built a long time ago.
Robb – It was a dirt floor basement, but you had to kinda duck when you were in there, cuz it wasn’t really tall enough to practice in. And the floor boards were simply boards-
Patrick - Right above your head.
Robb - It didn’t really block the sound at all from getting out into the house and into the neighborhood.
Patrick – We still had this grand scheme that that would be our practice space
Robb – We were gonna dig a hole in it, deep enough so that we could stand up and we would have a practice space.
Justin – Basically trying to dig a room in a basement
Patrick – And we were gonna have shows, and we would practice there and make it a studio and make it a badass thing. Then we get down there and we’re digging and we were like, ah man. We had a wheel barrow going up a wood ramp, up the steps and after we did about 2 x 2 foot sized area –
Robb – No, it was probably 3 x 5…at least
Patrick – Well, we did that much digging and we did it maybe another 4 inches deep-
Robb – Ahh, it was probably a good foot down.
Justin – Haha but the reason why we stopped mostly was cuz the house was supported by these beams, and if we kept digging, the structure of the house probably would have caved in on itself.
Y!M! – Yeah once you hit the bottom of those beams…game over.
Robb – Yeah it was basically wooden beams going into cement blocks
Justin – So it was just a bad idea
Jon – I never knew that story.
Justin – There’s your story.
Patrick – We actually used it during the “Hi, Everything’s Great” demo’s, we recorded the guitar amps down there.
Robb – We used that hole. We put old carpet down and did what we could. We just didn’t like the mic cord going down through the floors….I don’t remember how we got the mic cord down there.
Patrick – And then we screen printed down there.
Robb – Yeah that was a terrible idea too, we should have just done it in the backyard.
Patrick – We got super high off of the fumes.
Robb – Our hands were peeling…our throats were bleeding
Patrick – Our eyes fell out of our heads…
Y!M! – That makes for good music though, if your throat is bleeding
Patrick –Totally, we’re also fans of Hot Water Music
Y!M! – And Avail.
Patrick – They have bleeding throats…that’s what I was getting at
Jon – So good..
Y!M! – Haha yeah, I figured that. That was a good reference.

It was hard to make a conversational piece easy to read, but hopefully you’re starting to understand how rad Limbeck is. The 3rd and final part of the interview is probably my favorite part of the interview. They tell me about the craziest thing that happened to them on the road. I’ll tell you this much; it deals with the lottery, beer and a camper. Trust me, it’ll definitely be worth your time.

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